Ragsey is a delightful tale of two dogs and their friendship. Children will delight in the adventures of Ragsey and his friends.
Frogs On Parade
Frogs on Parade is the fifth in a series featuring Pap and Gram Applegate.
With Grandparents playing major roles in the lives of their grandchildren, these books will lighten your heart. Grandparents everywhere are a vital link between the generations.
The Pumpkin Patch
The Pumpkin Patch is the fourth in a series featuring Pap and Gram Applegate.
With Grandparents playing major roles in the lives of their grandchildren, these books will lighten your heart. Grandparents everywhere are a vital link between the generations.
Pap’s First Song
Pap’s First Song is the third in a series featuring Pap and Gram Applegate. This book was inspired by Pap’s love of music and Gram’s love of yard sale shopping.
Training Wheels For Sale
Training Wheels for Sale is a story of a young grandson, Trevor, and his determination to ride his two-wheeler without training wheels. Pap and his grandson work together to promote Trevor’s new-found independence.
The Beach House
The Beach House is the first in a series featuring “Pap and Gram” Applegate. With Grandparents playing major roles in the lives of their grandchildren, these books will lighten your heart. Grandparents everywhere are a vital link between the generations.